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Sturgis Wrap Up….

We are home now …

We left Eagle CO, on Thursday morning and rode west on I-70 to Green River, UT – then west on 24 towards Hanksville to head into Capital Reef Nationl Park.  The park empties into Torry UT, where we caught 12 through Escanlante Staircase area of UT that takes you to Byrce Canyon.  From Byrce, we continued south to Zion Nation Park on 9 to I-15.  From there is was about 30 miles to Mesquite NV, where we stopped for the night.  Then we woke up at 4:30 to leave Mesquite to do te finale lag home to beat the heat.  We arrived in OC about 11:15 a.m.

We had awesome eather the last two days – not a cloud in the sky or threat of rain at all.  We would have done  a bit more touring, but as you can see, we were running out of rubber!

Side of the tire are fine, it is the center that is just about gone

Below are some riding pics Steve took during the ride from Eagle CO, to Mesquite NV.

So how did you guys like the map  application that gave the weather and street views?  Let me know if you have any feedback on it to let the authour know.

And as always, we enjoyed having your comments on the trip – it gave us some laughs!

We Are Heading Home

now, but here are some more odds and ends pictures from my iPhone.

We left Rapid City about 8:30 MDT and had a great ride through the Black Hills, past Crazy Horse, out into the plains of Big Sky Wyoming to Larime.  From there we entered into Colorado through Walden where we stopped to have a late lunch and met some German riders.  They had their bikes shipped out to LA and have been riding the past 5 weeks.  They were heading to Utah’s Canyonlands before wrapping it upin a week in Denver to head home.  After lunch we had a hugh storm approaching and had a terrible side wind for about 1/2 hour till we had to stop and wait about 20 minutes for a one way construction zone.  Luckly, we were able to skirt that storm and entered into Eagle CO where we callled it a night.

Even though we are heading home, we still have some great riding ahead of us – southern Utah is beautiful with some great riding.

As long as I have a data connection, I can check comments with my phone – We enoy the comments when we stop and gas up or take a break , so thanks for keeping us entertained.

Don’t stop now

Back at the bar

More Veiws

Sturgis Trip Pictures

Ok, I don’t have internet access at the motel we are staying at (another story), but it is 11:30 p.m. and I’m at Perkins having pie a-la-mode and using the free wi-fi here.  Now look past this pic for more……

So today we went to Sturgis and then the Full Throttle Saloon.  It was hot, humid, windy day- classic mid-western summer.  We seem to have everything today – beautiful girls, great looking bikes, plenty of beer and midget wrestling…

Enjoy these pics from Steve that start with our trip out thru CA, AZ, CO, WY, and SD

These I tried to upload the day before, but my connection failed.

Our bartender

2nd, 3rd,4th…..

First beer at 11

Sturgis Days

We made here last night. Awesome ride in. We don’t have Internet, but I’ll try and update when i have a connection. Maybe visit Starbucks at night n use their wifi

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